Bici Corsa 1900 denti saltati
BOLGHERESE Collection presents a racing cycle that came directly from the past ... we wanted to leave the bicycle as we found it, so much is the exceptional maintenance of the vehicle.
Only the circles were replaced because the original wooden circles were destroyed. The bike was found as such and only a small brush stroke of Fidoil is presented on the frame to protect it from corrosion (not present), the bike has everything of origin ... it seems it was laid by the rider yesterday !!!
Beautiful handlebar fold with 1927 stamp plate (the bike was certainly reused in those years) original grips, double Course brake shoe, beautiful tube inclinations, toothed crown with very rare two-step chain, rear hub GIRORUOTA saddle d ' era in excellent condition, beautiful and very rare racing pedals with still the original tips !!!
No brands or engravings have been found to give it a name but the rarity of the piece gives it a refined and elegant aesthetic. The cycle, given its characteristics, dates back to the early 1900s and was certainly a race bike used later as a "civil" bike.
The 28 wooden wheels are new GHISALLO with new spoke pattern and vintage hub, Michelin World Tour tires.
Price 950 euros shipments throughout Italy, Europe and the world on request.